Eric D Snider from has this to say as to what filmmakers say and what the mean:
What they say: "We really listened to the fans on this one."
What they mean: "If this movie sucks -- and believe me, it does -- it's your own fault."
What they say: "This movie wasn't made for film critics."
What they mean: "This movie wasn't made for people who see a lot of movies and are knowledgeable and passionate about them."
What they say: "It's not a remake; it's a re-imagining."
What they mean: "It's a remake."
What they say: "We didn't plan on doing another sequel, but then we found a story that we really liked, and everything just came together."
What they mean: "We didn't plan on doing another sequel, but then the studio backed a dump truck full of money up to my house."
What they say: "I sat down to read the script and was immediately drawn into this character."
What they mean: "My agent described the character to me in a way that sounded like I'd get to wear a lot of pretty dresses if I signed on."
What they say: "It's the most amazing cast and crew. We really were just like a family."
What they mean: "The kind of family that fights a lot and sometimes has sex with each other, that is."
What they say: "This was a story that I just HAD to tell."
What they mean: "This was a story that I just HAD to tell, according to my contractual obligations."
What they say: "We tried to stay very faithful to the book, but of course you have to make some changes when you make a movie."
What they mean: "Any similarities between this movie and the book it's based on are purely coincidental."
What they say: "Working with a legend like Meryl Streep [or whoever] was a dream come true. She was like a mentor to me."
What they mean: "I'm fairly confident that by the end of the shoot, Meryl Streep knew what my name was."
What they say: "The production was grueling. It was very physically demanding. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done."
What they mean: "The air conditioning in my trailer was on the fritz, I sometimes had to stand in the sun for a few minutes before my stuntman took over, and much of the $7 million I was paid will be eaten up by taxes."