Gasp! To those who know me, but doesn't know. Yes, I'm gay. I may have misled some because I am married. The unfortunate assumption is that I am married to a woman, but in fact I am married to a man. Also, I may have allowed the assumption to maintain rather than correct. It's so much easier to answer a question of, "How is your wife?" with a "Good.", rather than say, "uh, my husband is fine, thanks." So for that, I apologize.
I will be going to Seattle Pride this year, as I have done for the past several years. I enjoy the frivolity as well as the messages the various groups are sending out there, whether it's political or social. I'm not here to give a lecture/history lesson on Gay Pride. There are so many resources out there for that. Take the link I made. It has a different meaning for anyone who has gone through this journey. I can't really describe my experience, lets just say it's a work in progress and I'm glad that I have someone at my side.
Speaking of which, my husband and I got married in Canada. Although, it is not recognized in the Unites States, our marriage is a symbol of our love and commitment to each other. There is so much hubbub over the details of the definition of marriage, that the symbolic meaning has been shadowed. When it comes down to it, a gay couple can love and respect one another just the same as a straight couple. I am looking forward to the day when all of the US recognizes same-sex marriage.
I am not an active advocate for equality, I think I should be. Maybe by putting this out there I am contributing something, or I am just making a complete mockery of myself. I'll let you all decide. Here is the link to someone I follow on twitter who is an invaluable resource. The New Civil Rights Movement.
Happy Pride!
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