Mike Huckabee is the target of both the Left and the Right today, as news comes that nine years ago, as Arkansas Governor, he commuted the sentence of Maurice Clemmons, the man – hours ago shot dead by police – who is accused of assassinating, execution-style, four Washington State police officers Sunday as they sat drinking coffee in a local diner.As Governor, Huckabee indirectly led to the deaths of four officers who were not even on duty. Consequently, nine children are now without one of their parents. This is just barely a month after another Seattle police officer was killed while on patrol. No one can foresee what would happen when you take a particular course, one could even say it was fated to occur in such a way. However, someone who supposedly have a moral compass should see this and wonder if what he did was correct or at least understand the implications and take some measure of responsibility.
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