This is my visual representation

About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stuck at 250

As I said in the previous post, I started this journey pretty much at the beginning of this year. I t wasn't exactly a New Years Resolution, but coincidentally my "resolve" started then. I started at around 260. I say around because my weight was fluctuating between 260 and 265; it was not settling anywhere for a long period of time. For six months now I have been tracking my progress. Depending on if you want to be generous or not I've lost 10 to 15 pounds in half a year. I don't feel like I've lost that much. I look at myself and don't see any significant changes, but the scale doesn't lie. I should be proud right? Well, yes and no. I think I am way too hard on myself and expect more. I have a tendency to look at that scale and say, "It should be less!"

The fun part is when I get stuck. I've noticed this occur a few other times now. I've heard it called reaching a plateau. I call it a rut. Either way, I'm stuck. This is the point where for a while, I see no weight change at all. It fluctuates a pound or two but for the most part it stays the same. I am there at 250. I've been with this weight for a week and a half now and it is driving me crazy. The two charts above are from They are both energy balance trendlines. It shows the amount of calories I take in with regards to the amount of physical activity I have done for the day. If I am more active I am allowed more intake of calories. At the end of the day, if the balance shows a negative number, I'm eating less then what the body needs to maintain weight. I WANT to keep it negative.

So, the top chart shows the trend in a week span, the bottom shows in a month. I try to look at both to maintain perspective. I may have eaten far less in a week, but overall I try to keep the numbers close. I've figured a drastic change will probably mess me up, so I keep it gradual. I think the rut has got to me since I'm eating far less then normal this week. Looking at this, I'm making a conscious effort to eat a little more, but I'm also not working out so I need to watch that. This is probably making me neurotic since I am essentially calorie counting, but I realize that if I don't do this I'll probably just eat until my stomach says, "What the Hell are you doing?"

Please comment, tell me what you think, any advise is also appreciated. Thanks.

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