This is my visual representation

About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's been over a year....

So there I was over a year ago at 242 pounds.
And here I am now at 212 pounds.

I still want to get to 200 and go from there. I just recovered from a bad cold so I'm starting anew in my workout. Oddly, I thought my time being stationary would make it a bit hard to come back, but I got back into my run/jog/walk pretty good. . I've also changed the time I work out. It's getting difficult to wake up early and the new schedule is forcing me to get to my commute earlier, so I figured I'll workout at night.

Thanks for all who have supported me and encouraged me.

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