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About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you Gay?

My coming out story with my mom was awkward, for both of us I'm sure. I was wondering how I was going to approach my mom with this giant revelation. But what if the parent is wondering? How does a parent ask if they think their teen is gay? I found an interesting article about how to approach a touchy subject.


It's refreshing to see this article. It goes to show open-discussion helps in education and acceptance.


  1. WTF!!! Who goes to a church where kids feel it's ok to talk to youth ministers about sex? Almost every church I know of preaches wait until marriage.

  2. yeah that was weird. I think the Youth Minister may have a secret.
