This is my visual representation

About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Devil ducky modeling my latest acquisition

So a friend of mine went to PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) this year. It is THE biggest gaming convention out there and it's hosted yearly in Seattle (It's good to live here.) I did not partake in geeky frivolity, but I am secretly jealous he went. If you play Munchkin, he got to play Rock Band with the guy in the munchkin suit and I'm sure he got plenty of swag from the expo.

He also gave me the above art book for the upcoming Guild Wars 2 game. I got to my desk and there it was. It was a signed copy too! *squee!* He said it may be a collectors thing since only so many were published. Nonetheless, I am overjoyed that he gave me something from PAX.


  1. Mmm hmmm... So, your friend just 'gave' this prize to Devil Ducky of his own free will.

    "Where is this friend now," I can't help but wonder.

  2. no. he gave it freely, without coercion... compulsion is a completely different story :-)
