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Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Monday, October 26, 2009

R-71 revisted

I just wanted to touch base again on this issue since ballots are being mailed out and Nov. 3 is quickly approaching. The referendum is not about gay marriage. The actual ballot even states it is not a gay marriage bill. Whether they are misinformed or know the details and wish to confound the issue, opponents of the referendum have taken steps to mislead. There has been signage that says, "Reject R-71. Marriage = One Man. One Woman." I don't understand why American society has this weird issue with marriage. A good percentage of people either don't mind or actively believe a same sex couple should have the same rights as a heterosexual couple, but say the word "marriage" and that percentage shrinks, and with that, the rights that become exclusive with the word "marriage." It may be cynical of me, but sometimes i think certain people knows this difference and uses it against us and society.

Nevertheless, I feel it is necessary to make sure people see the difference, so they know that rights are being denied. There will be a time when American society will accept gay marriage, but in the meantime, at least give committed gay couples the same important rights a married couple has.


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