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About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Monday, August 10, 2009

Drugs are bad mmmmkay?

Tosh.0Thurs, 10pm / 9c
Celebrity Video - Tommy Chong vs. Salvia Eric
Daniel ToshMiss Teen South CarolinaDemi Moore Picture

How can these two drugs be so bad when the affects are not harmful. Sure they impair your judgment, but so does alcohol and that's legal to use. I recently saw a clip where the a state government decided to make salvia illegal citing how the trip the people would go into could cause harm to themselves or others using the argument that the person who would take salvia may jump into a pool and drown because they weren't in control of all their facilities. I've seen that happen with an acquaintance who blacked out from alcohol consumption.

I myself don't do drugs - it's not my thing, and I concede that some drugs are harmful. But we gotta realize not all are the same and we need to know about them and their affects instead of wholly prohibit anything that may inhibit our judegement. Otherwise, prohibit alcohol again. Make it illegal since it is as dangerous as all the other drugs. While we're at it lets make cigarettes illegal. Let see how far that would go...

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