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About Me

Seattle-ish, WA
30-something years old guy who attempts to make sense of everything happening around him and ultimately just having more questions than answers

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why do I torture myself with these things...

For 12 years, Beloit College publishes an article about the mindset of their current year's upcoming freshman class. Quite interesting since it is history and a part of my history. However, I can recall a bit further back, these people only know of what I experience through second-hand. Their mindset is different because of the fact they had cds where as I actually used cassette tape. They know Reagan as a former-President rather than a one who was in office.

From the site:
"The Mindset List is not a chronological listing of things that happened in 1991, the year they were born. It is instead an effort to identify the worldview of 18 year-olds in the fall of 2009. Of course, our students come from many backgrounds and different traditions and these generalizations may not apply to all. The list identifies the experiences and event horizons of students and is not meant to reflect on their preparatory education."
Click-y to relish in history and glimpse into the mind of someone born 1991. How would your view of the world be different if you had only their experiences?

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